Healthcare premises offer a different and complex set of challenges and our Healthcare Evacuation Plans are designed to meet the needs of these sometimes large and diverse environments.
We appreciate the complexity of Healthcare estates and buildings and work closely with our clients to determine how the Healthcare Evacuation Plans can be best segmented and zoned. This ensures that they are easily understood not only by staff, but visitors and members of the
public who may be unfamiliar with their location, the buildings layout and how to quickly and safely exit in an emergency.
We produce Evacuation Plans in 2D and 3D for the NHS. The level of detail that can be displayed on the plans can vary from the simplistic (call point and fire exit) through to more complex, which may include medical gas isolation, safe refuge, detailed assembly points and
site plans.
Our Fire Evacuation Plans are uniquely scalable to the size of organisation we work with. Our plans are used in small serviced offices through to large, complex buildings, University campuses and Healthcare estates.
Get In Touch
By using our Evacuation Plans you will:
Meet your duty of care for your staff, visitors and guests
Comply with the requirements of the RRO/ Fire risk assessments
Remove the need to display lengthy evacuation text in multiple languages
Use symbols that match your existing fire signage and international Standards
Reduce your evacuation times through staff, patient and visitor awareness
Provide clear pictorial evacuation information that is easy to understand, regardless of age or language
Meet current UK and International legislation and standards
Help save lives
Commercial Properties & Offices
Applicable to all business types and size, our Fire Evacuation Plans meet all current British and International standards. Our plans will help your staff and visitors evacuate quickly and safely.
Hotels & Leisure
We supply Hotel Fire Evacuation Plans to all sizes of hotel. From 10 bedroom boutiques, right through to major hotel chains. Our Hotel Fire Evacuation Plans can be found in many of the UK’s leading hotels.
Healthcare & NHS
With a different and potentially more complex set of requirements, the Healthcare industry face a wide range of challenges to evacuation. We provide plans that can accommodate these requirements.
The safety of your pupils is primary. We develop School Fire Escape and Evacuation Plans for nurseries and schools as well as colleges and university campuses.